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My Hummingbird Angel

by Sarah Bates
(Cumberland, Maryland)

My Hummingbird Garden

My Hummingbird Garden

I had my first hummingbird experience on August 30,2007. I remember this date because it was the day that my best guy friend, Artie had passed away.

I found out of my friend's passing on my way home from work. When I got home I went out on my back porch and started talking on the phone to multiple people about what had happened to my friend. As I was talking to my mom and started giving her the news of Artie's passing I realized there was something buzzing around me.
I thought it was a bee until I realized it had a beak. Until that day I had never seen a real live hummingbird my whole life. At the time I was living in a townhouse in the city and did not have a flower garden, not even a plant.
The Hummingbird continued to buzz around me and then just hovered next to me as I continued to talk on the phone..almost as though he was listening to my conversations.
The next day I told people about my experience and found that my experience was rare and was told hummingbirds usually don't just hang out, and especially with no nectar around.
I had also found out from my friends, Nikki and Jodi who were also very close with Artie were told by his grandmother and mother who live in Ohio..(my experience was in Maryland which is where I currently live now) that they both individually also had a similar experience with a hummingbird around the same time as me. To this day every time we see a hummingbird we think of Artie. We recently just had our 15 year High School Reunion and a tribute board was made for Artie. On his tribute board pictures of hummingbirds were posted.
Since my experience.. I now have a whole garden with flowers and multiple feeders dedicated to my hummingbirds.

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Sep 09, 2015
A humming bird messenger
by: Anonymous

20 years ago, I lived in Hollywood, in a big craftsmen house below the famous iconic Hollywood sign. I woke up, and made myself some coffee, and sat down to read a magazine. It was unusually quiet in my house, having 5 roommates, all of us working in the film and arts. This morning all but me, were elsewhere, and I was relishing the calm. As I flipped through the pages of the Vogue, or Bazaar, I paused at an ad for a perfume, Vanilla Fields, I think, and it contain a picture of a hummingbird. I started to think, about a story my father told me, of him nursing a hummingbird, that had flown into the window, of my grandparents cabin, where he was visiting them. My father is a big animal lover, we always had multiple cats dogs and hamsters. He said that the bird had sat on his hand for hours, being fed sugar water, until it's strength returned and it finally flew off. Just then, I remembered, that my father, had gone in for surgery the night before. On a routine check up for something they had discovered a small malignant tumor in one of his kidneys, and they removed it. I said in my mind, I hope all went well with his operation, when suddenly, I heard a noise in the kitchen. It was summer, and we left the back door open, to get the cool breezes in the evenings. I went to the kitchen, and there was a hummingbird flying around, trying to find it's way back out. I somehow, managed to guide it back outside, when the phone rang. It was my mother, telling me, that my father was alright, the surgery was successful. It was only after I put the phone down, that I realised, how odd it was, that I saw that ad, had that memory, then a hummingbird flies into my house. I immediately understood, that it was a message, answering my thoughts, letting me know my dad was ok. I never realised that this happened, to other people, until today. I believe it is real. Hollyce

Aug 25, 2011
My Hummingbird Angel
by: Ruth

What a touching story. It is also amazing because I have heard of this before. Someone once told me a similar story regarding hummingbirds after her mom' s passing.Why can't there be hummingbird angels? Hummingbirds have a great deal of symbolism.One is that they heal a broken heart after loss. So this makes me wonder now, how this symbolism may have originated. Perhaps it was events such as the one you describe.

Aug 25, 2011
I'm still here
by: rusty

That little hummingbird you saw was a tiny angel
telling you that Artie is okay. He's just fine, and still here with you.

I promise.

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