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Coming to say goodbye till next year

by Patricia Cusumano
(Galeton Pa)

I was out under the carport fixing the top on our boat. When this hummer came from the back of the boat towards me. I had closed the open part of our windshield to snap the top to it. The hummer landed near our ship to shore radio behind it, wings flapping. I opened the windshield to help her to freedom. To me it seemed like an old friend saying goodbye. I miss them so much when they leave. For me, its a sign of fall and the winter to come. I look forward to spring when they return. They are the bright spot of every day in the summer!

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Oct 03, 2022
Saying Farewell for the season
by: Dawn in N Carolina

Each fall before leaving a hummingbird with hover in front of the kitchen window while we're watching as if to say goodbye. We never see it again until spring so I'd like to think they're saying bye and thanks for the sugar water!

Oct 08, 2021
my babies
by: Jo C

my babies

This morning I came out on my deck to let my little dogs out to go to the bathroom I called for my dogs and immediately one of my hummingbirds came up she flashed her wings and looked at me and flew around me I knew she was telling me bye I knew it I love them so much

Sep 09, 2019
Sept 9, 2019 NH
by: Dorothynonymous

This morning one of my hummingbirds came and visited with me on my porch. I couldn’t figure out why she was just flying back & forth in front of me. Today I noticed the birds didn’t visit any of the feeders. I know it sounds crazy but now I realize she was saying goodbye.

Sep 14, 2015
I miss them too
by: Anonymous

I just moved to San Antonio, from New Jersey. We had hummers in Jersey, nothing like here in Texas.
There are so many and they chase each other away
from the feeders. They really are entertaining.
I don't know when they leave Texas, I will really miss them when they go. I saw the chart they come back in March, in Jersey they come back in May. I guess I will just have to pay attention, next year
I will know more about the Texas ones. When they
leave, and when the come back....I have an olive tree, they seem to love it!

Sep 10, 2015
Goodbye is coming soon
by: Alyssa

I am on my porch right now watching two hummers visit my feeders. I'm in central Indiana and there are still a few remaining. While it isn't goodbye just yet, I know it's coming soon and it does make me sad. I bought a second tray feeder about a month ago because the activity was so great and it has been wonderful to see birds feeding at both at the same time. Amazing the joy these little things can bring.

Sep 07, 2015
James and Family!
by: Sheri

Hi James
I will nurture and take care of the ones coming through here...perhaps yours came to visit me
on their way for wintering..
Have a good day!
sheri in alabama

Sep 06, 2015
Hummingbirds Galore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Sheri

The month of August was the most ruby red throats we have ever had...at least 15 in the rural area.
I have two feeders up and the hummingbirds are sitting on the salvia branches waiting their turns at the feeders today and everyday!

I do have Blue ensign salvia which they love and
the black/blue perennial salvia and the wendy's wish salvia..all of these hummingbirds enjoy daily.

I have a Miss Molly butterfly bush and Miss Ruby but the butterflies enjoy those more than the hummingbirds.

I imagine all northern hummingbirds will be passing by here through south Alabama this month..and my last one will be around October 15th.

I put my feeders out on March lst and take them down October 15th..I make fresh sugar water and no coloring in it..I change feeders twice a week
due to hot weather here will sour the sugar water.

It has been a huge job to do this so many months but I have enjoyed years of those tiny beautiful little birds..called hummingbirds!

Sheri in Alabama

Sep 06, 2015
Sad to Say Goodbye!
by: James (hummingbird-guide.com)

Our hummers left on September 2nd. I agree that you cannot help to consider the upcoming Fall and long Winter when our little friends depart for their long migration journey to the South.
We all will look forward to the Spring, especially when Winter really takes hold in January and February up here in the North.
I will miss the buzzing sounds first thing in the morning out the open windows at our feeders as I make my coffee. Its a great sound to awake to!!!!

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