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Flying Far and Wide

by Amanda Age: 12
(Mohrsville, Pa. ,USA)

One day, a baby hummingbird fell out of a nest soon after it was born. A young girl named Emma(8 yrs.old) found the chick. She nursed it back to health in a few days.

When it was full grown, the chick had learned to fly. The hummingbird would not leave the girl, so she named him Walle. Walle never disappeared for longer than a couple hours.
Three years later when Emma turned 11yrs. old, the family moved. Walle was out for the day and did not know where they went. Emma was very upset to leave without Walle.
The place they were moving to was nearly 3,000 miles away, and she was convinced she would never see him again. They had been friends for three years.
One week after they arrived at their new home, Emma hung a hummingbird feeder in remembrance of her friend. A day later, a beaten-up, thin hummingbird showed up and landed at Emma's feet. Emma stared at the bird, and then scooped him up in her arms. Mom! Dad! Walle has come home! It was true, Walle had flown 3,000 miles back to his friend.
Walle died three days later. The journey was just to hard on him. But at least he got to see Emma one last time. Emma sculpted a clay model of Walle and placed it on his grave next to her mother's flowers and her dad's plaque that read:
Walle, a bird like no other,
Has taken a special place in our hearts.
In heaven he flies free and
Looks down on us and smiles.
Forever he will love and be loved.
And until he is seen again,
Our love has not an end.

Emma never forgot Walle. When she was grown, she still loved him. When she died, the two could again fly through the lush green grass, eternally happy.

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Feb 02, 2011
Flying Far and Wide
by: Aunt Evie, Uncle Ken,Nan

Love the story,very touching.In summer we have humming birds also.They are just so beautiful.Keep up the good work.Love & Best Wishes! Aunt Evie, Uncle Kenny and Nan

Feb 02, 2011
I enjoyed this story so much!
by: Lesley Noble

What a lovely story, Amanda has written. It reminds me of all the great animals I have loved in my life...including the hummingbirds that come to my house and feeders every spring! On this cold winter day, it reminds me that I will soon be seeing them again!

Feb 02, 2011
Flying Far and Wide
by: Anonymous

What a great imagination you have. The friendship between the girl and the hummingbird was very touching.
Keep up the good work!

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