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Hummer in Lincoln

by Royce Crane
(Suwanee, GA USA)

This hummingbird photo was taken in early July at 8 AM in Lincoln, NH.

We were staying at a BB in Lincoln and on the afternoon of arrival our hostesses was showing the backyard garden when a hummingbird landed on dead bush branches about 20 feet from the deck and watched us for several minutes. Sadly, I was sans camera. Our hostesses stated she sees the bird frequently on these branches.

Two days later about 8AM I went onto the deck, with camera in hand, with hopes the humming bird might show and pose for me. Five minutes later, as if on cue, he alights on the branch either to observe me or to pose for me. Whichever . . . I managed to get half a dozen shots off.

I guess this is a Ruby-throated Hummingbird but the coloration is considerably different than those I’ve photographed at home in Forsyth County, Georgia. What should be the ruby red gorget is more magenta and this hummer displays more yellow feathers than I’ve seen before . . . well . . . maybe the sun angle (?).

Technical: Nikon D600 with 28-300mm zoom lens at 250mm, 1/500 sec, f/6.3, ISO 4000. Minor exposure and noise reduction adjustment in Photoshop Lightroom 5 but no adjustment to hue, color or saturation.

Royce Crane
Suwanee, GA
July 2014

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Jul 23, 2014
ID Question
by: Kevin Morgan

You mention there are other pictures. Posting those - even if they're not of comparable quality - might answer the question of ID more definitively. For instance, tail shape can be diagnostic among the various red-throated hummingbirds found in North America.

Posting them, and updating the facebook group page that they're up so people know to come back to see, would be very helpful.

Kevin Morgan

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