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Here are two museums with hummingbird specimen exhibits or exhibits pertaining to hummingbirds:
Delaware Museum of Natural history
This exhibit is something to see!! It is fascinating!
It is believed that modern birds evolved from dinosaurs.
A famous permanent exhibit here is the enormous Elephant Bird Egg (and the bird was given that name for a reason) compared to the tiniest of all bird eggs, the Hummingbird Egg.
So even the young child enjoys seeing this exhibit and it’s a wonderful introduction to the variety in nature.
As I said, children especially enjoy this exhibit but it absolutely is fun for all.
Another exhibit here at the Delaware Museum of Natural History is the Butterfly Garden, containing such plants as the cornflower which helps to attract both butterflies and hummingbirds.
Natural History Museum in London
This exhibit would be exciting to see. Though I don’t expect to visit London anytime soon. If you do, be sure to check it out..
This exhibit created a sensation in Europe during the last century.
The Museum was packed with visitors when it opened.
Hummingbirds are arranged on branches and displayed in a single case.
The hummingbirds were brought back to Europe by William Bullock who clearly had an appreciation for hummingbirds.
William Bullock did not understand the fragility of hummingbirds.
He traveled extensively keeping an aviary of hummingbirds in cages but was unable to bring back a single bird alive.
This saddened the man who realized that the dainty bird with gorgeous plumage and amazing behavior needed to be viewed alive in order to be truly valued.
In the days of William Bullock travel was difficult and rare.
Today eco-travel is popular and many travelers visit a variety of hummingbird habitats to witness their magnificent beauty and unique behavior.
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