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My beautiful ladies.

by Chuck
(Tom's River. NJ)

Thanks for your website. It's informative and I love the tracker. I didn't know a thing about Hummingbirds till 2 years ago when I saw one drinking nectar from my Rose of Sharon. I was amazed. She was a Ruby. Fast forward till now. I have 7 feeders and about 12 birds I can identify by their markings and colors. When I sit out back they will come within a foot of my hand. One will come close to perching on my hand but as of now she only hovers real close. I'm amazed at their territory behavior over food yet they always seem to share with the others when it comes down to it. Last year a mud wasp decided to light on a feeder while one of the ladies was consuming nectar. She grabbed it, snapped it in half and continued eating. I just happened to be video taping her in slow motion and caught it on video.

I'll sit out back for hours watching my girls, video taping them and doing stills with my Cannon camera.

IM 6-3 and 200 pounds With a shaved head and beard. I'm also a retired Law Enforcement officer with PTSD. My friends and girlfriend revoked my man card because I love these birds so much and spend so much time with them.lol. I don't care because these beautiful birds are amazing creatures that I can spend hours with and they don't talk back or give me a hard time like the aforementioned do. They leave me in amazement and wonder as to why God gave us such beautiful birds. I call them my ladies. They help me cope with the PTSD moreso than any therapist or medicine. The Hummingbirds and my Pit Bull out back with me always start my day off right and the PTSD symptoms are non existent during that time. Thanks again for your website.

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Aug 04, 2022
Anyone know Why???
by: Darlinda

I'm so very upset this year 2022, I have not seen not one hummingbird at my feeders. I clean them every three days and added no items that are red in my back yard. I have talked to other people and they haven't seen any either. I live in Baltimore,Maryland. I have been feeding the hummingbirds for 6years now and this is the first year I have not seen any. Could it have been the bird flu that was going around earlier in the year. If anyone has any suggestions I am up for them. Thank you so much. I'm so lost without seeing my beautiful friends this year it my tranquility.

May 11, 2022
Always looking.
by: Mary Lou

I am 92 years old and feed my hummers every year . I have never seen a nest , but am always looking

Apr 30, 2022
Beautiful Ladies
by: Karen

Tom. My husband was also in law enforcement. Twenty-one years took their toll and he also dealt with PTSD. We traveled in our RV after he retired and I always put out a hummer feeder at each stop. The only time I saw him really relaxed was when we were "hummer watching" or near water where we could walk in quiet. Unfortunately cancer took him and the hummers are always welcomed with wonderful memories. The American Indian lore calls the beautiful hummers a sign of joy and I agree. God bless you!

Apr 27, 2022
This is lovely!!
by: Mary

Don't worry about your "man card". You just keep on caring for your ladies and yourself. And, if it keeps the PTSD in check, your life will be simpler and you will be happier. They now make rings that hold the hummers sugar water. You might want to get one, slip it on and see how long it takes for your lady that comes very close to you. I'll bet you have her on your hand in a very short time. The ring takes only a small amount of sugar water, but, it's enough that the birds come for it. Just make sure you hold very still when it lights. They're on Amazon. Look for hummingbird ring feeders.

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