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Purple Garden Hummer

by Sarah
(Oceanside, CA)

I am just in love with the hummingbirds that visit our garden--what a delight of Creation! :-)

What a capture!
This lovely photograph expresses the feeling of the photographer well.
Yes, hummingbirds are truly a delight of Creation.
We would like to thank Sarah for the picture and her poetic wording.
She seems to remind us to "stop and smell the flowers" of life.
Hummingbirds are among our greatest gifts when we take time to slow down and appreciate them.
It is ironic in a sense.
Hummingbirds move so fast.Don't they?
Yet, when they stop and hover for a minute at a flower or feeder, they just about take our breathe away with their beauty.
We wonder what camera was used for the shot?
What time of day was it taken?
What flower is the hummingbird visiting?
Each of us seems to have different methods for photographing hummingbirds.
One similarity of approach is to do what Sarah does, notice them and truly see the magnificence of this tiny creature that is before us.

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