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The Flight of the Baby Hummingbird

by Patrizia Mombille
(Havelock, NC)

The golden rays of the sun creeped up to my eyes. I slowly stretched my dull brown wings and breathed in the cold dawn. I looked up and smiled, the sky was turning into its usual sapphire blue as the sun lazily rose from the waves of the ocean. I scooted to the left to snuggle up to my mother's warm side. Nothing! I only felt the soft edge of our nest. No mother.

I turned around and only saw my brother's body slowly moving, still asleep I hoped. I looked at the nearby trees that were full of squirrels. I looked down to see the sand mocking me with its bright colors. I squinted my eyes, still no sign of mother. I started to cry, trying to remember my colorful mother.
When the sun was high in the sky, touching the puffball clouds way up high, I realized that I had to leave. I felt my instinct crawl up my spine as I started to flap my wings in the gentle breeze. I flapped my wings faster and faster, even as my brother stared at me with his chocolate brown eyes annoyingly. Then.....I jumped.
I felt the air rush past me as my wings picked up speed. Centimeters from the ground, I was picked up. I looked up, hoping to find mother but then I saw nobody. My brother stared at me from afar. The last thing I saw was the sun slipping back down under the waves.
After a while, I looked up at the black sky, alive with the bright shining stars. That is when I felt hungry and remembered the gentle touch of my mother. I landed near a garden filled with brightly colored flowers and my stomach grumbled again. I felt the familiar tingle up my spine as I flew to a pink flower. I stuck my tiny red tongue in. Sweet! It tasted so sweet! The flavors burst in my beak as I sucked in the nectar. Eventually the flower was empty. But I wanted more. I stayed until the moon disappeared and the sun rose. As I sluggishly began to leave, I suddenly got surrounded by a mysterious mesh net. "This is the end,"I thought.

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Jul 06, 2013
Writing Club Entry
by: Barbara Hardee Wiggins

This story was written by Patriza Mombille while she was a student in my Writing Club at Tucker Creek Middle School, Havelock, NC. She was a middle school student. I recall helping her type it into the school computer with her friends gathered around her. It was a GREAT class and I had many more talented students who wrote during this exploratory class. Barbara Hardee Wiggins, teacher

Jun 14, 2011
by: Julian Larson-Armstrong

I found it! Everyone has been telling me about this wonderful story that I just had to read! I'm glad I did! This was an amazing story. Very beautiful. It reminds me of my friend Satoru because he is going through something like this. His only comfort was his girl friend. Now he has to move. But I know he will make it, even if he does have some pretty bad run-ins with the bad guys. Thank you for writing this!

Feb 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

What a beautiful story. It made me feel as if I was watching a hummingbird's nest. The ending is unexpected and leaves room for the reader's imagination.

Feb 25, 2011
The flight of the hummingbird
by: casey mallard

I love it and it is so cute!:)

Feb 25, 2011
The Flight of the Hummingbird
by: Barbara Hardee Wiggins

I really like the open ending on the story!

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