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The Hummingbird Encounter

by Oliver Tang
(Plainsboro, NJ, USA)

Hummingbird Encounter

It was a cool spring day and I was walking through the forest. My mother told me to follow the path, but the interesting things were always deeper in the forest.
The shadows leaning over me made me feel like they were going to hug me. I pulled out my new, sleek book, “Different Kinds of Birds.” Mindlessly, I opened the book and read about various kinds of birds.
Suddenly, I tripped over a gnarly old tree root that had ensnared my right foot. It was then that I saw the entire forest. There were tall, majestic trees with light glancing off their leaves, seeming like they could reach up into the sky. There were also huge apple trees with very ripe, large apples hanging down.
I grabbed one and started to gobble it down. It was so juicy, it felt like I was just drinking apple juice. I finished my apple and was just about to grab another one right above my head when I saw a beautiful hummingbird. Its bill was long and slender, and its body was gleaming metallic silver, yellow and green. I looked for the wings. They were beating so fast that I could barely see them. I pulled out my book and searched for “Humming Bird”. It said “Smaller species can beat their wings up to 80 beats per second.” I whispered, “Wow! That is sooo cool, ” and started looking for the hummingbird. When I saw it, I found another hummingbird in a nest with two baby hummingbirds inside. I quickly took my brand new 1080 pixel camera. I had already taken many breathtaking photos, but this would be my best so far. I took quite a few pictures and discovered a huge bush full of flowers. I guessed, “This is probably why the hummingbird came here. I should look at the baby hummingbirds more carefully.” When I looked at the baby hummingbirds closely, I gasped! They were so ugly, and were nearly naked and blind! I said to myself, “Maybe I will stay here a bit longer,” when I noticed the shadows growing longer and the sun setting.
I slowly walked back home, careful enough not to disturb the hummingbirds, thinking to myself, “I have to come here tomorrow, and bring lots of nectar! I will be waiting for those birds.”

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Nov 02, 2011
love your story
by: victorea

I like that story

Jun 04, 2011
The Hummingbird Encounter
by: Anonymous

Gorgeous story! The descriptions are so vivid, I feel like I am in the forest too. You are kind to nature and the hummingbirds. Good for you.

Jun 01, 2011
by: Mom&Dad

Dear Oliver,

Your story is beautiful! Love it! Don't forget to take us next time you go to the forest. :-)))

Love, mom and dad

Jun 01, 2011
by: Andrew Wei

Great story!

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