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The Hummingbird Jewel

by nathan

Once upon a time there lived a hummingbird named Blue. He lived in a castle high up in a tower.He didn't have very many friends and he was lonely. One day he flew down and saw a tiny house. It belonged to a beautiful hummingbird named Queenie the fair. Just as he was flying down to meet her a huge frog grabbed her and pulled her away.

He dove down and pecked the frog on the head and the frog let go. Meanwhile hawk agents were searching for a blue jewel. They were searching from kingdom to kingdom. They flew far above Queenie and Blue as they fought the evil frog.

Queenie flew high up into a tall flower bush even though her wing was bruised. Blue joined her as the agents flew down to attack the frog. The agents won though they were hurt a bit. Blue asked Queenie if she was okay. She said "Yes, but who are all those creatures down there?"

"I don't know,"said Blue "Let's get out of here,". On their travels they met a bird named Hawkeye. He was a hummingbird too. He invited them to come to his home and made them funny potions. The blue potion made them look like a puff ball. The white potion made your beak turn to a corkscrew shape.

The Hawk agents got a message that said the master found out they were looking for a blue jewel when really they should have been looking for Mr. Blue Jewel the bird. He was actually blue. They flew to Hawkeye's nest where they found Mr. Blue and asked him to go back with them to receive a great reward which was the kingdom of Hummingbirds. Queenie went back with him and they lived happily ever after in Hummingbird Land.

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Dec 27, 2010
good story
by: Anonymous

This is a cute story.

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