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Hmmmm.......so much energy....

by Linda Rogers
(Lake Elmore, VT)

On Target!

On Target!

This photo was taken on my brother's back porch
mid July 2009 in Lake Elmore, Vt. I truly love photographing hummingbirds as there is so much too learn about their vulnerable existence on our earth.
I will be submitting another one soon from Del Haven, NJ.

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Mar 06, 2012
Hungry hummingbird
by: Ellen

What a good picture. I love to watch my hummingbirds but miss them in the winter. I have feeder just like the one in the photo. I take lots of pictures of my hummingbirds.They are so beautiful and fun to watch and photograph. I like the angle of this picture. It really shows the hummingbird eating.His wings are moving so fast you can hardly see them.That's how these amazing creatures are.

Sep 25, 2011
Cindy S
by: Anonymous

Love that feeder. I thought that only the red plastic feeders attracted hummingbirds.I have to get one of those feeders. Itis so pretty and makes such a lovely photo. That was a hungry hummingbird to be sure. I have a few at my house too. I enjoy watching them. They are among God's blessings.

Sep 01, 2011
Like your picture
by: Anonymous

I like your picture.It is interesting the way the feeder matches the flowers. I know that the hummingbird like the blue feeder (love the color by the way) As long it is full of that sugar water, hummingbirds don't care what color the feeder is. What about those lovely blue flowers. Does the hummingbird like them?

Sep 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

"That is one hungry hummingbird. I love that feeder. I love watching hummingbirds. That are so quick.,They just zoom by you. Then all of a sudden they stop at a feeder to eat. They fight a lot but that fun too.We pay attention to which ones are boss.Ha.

May 14, 2010
Hungry hummingbird
by: Anonymous

What a cute picture.That hummingbird really looks hungry.

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