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Hummingbird Spring
Migration Map 2023

Our 2024 Spring Migration Map is Now Live!
See it here!

Follow the 2023 Spring
Hummingbird Migration &
Sightings Report 

Use the 2023 hummingbird migration map below to estimate the arrival date of your hummingbirds for 2024.

Scroll down to see the 2023 map.

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 Submit Your Sightings to Our Hummingbird Migration Map 2023!

See the Sightings Report Form & Map Below!

Give them a helping hand when they arrive with our "Hummer Helper Nesting Material Kit"!

Do You Want to Attract More Hummingbirds...........
          Hang more feeders!

My #1 Recommended......
Dr. JB's Hummingbird Feeder!

Please fill out the form below.....

to share "your sightings of 2023".

We, who are anxiously awaiting the Spring arrivals, will be able to track the hummingbird migration through your posts.

SPRING 2023  

NOTE: The Hummingbird Spring Migration has ended and our Hummers are now situated in their Summer homes.
The Migration Map will not be updated hereafter.
In August, we will start tracking the Fall Migration as we have been for the last 10 years.
So,.....have a great Summer, enjoy your hummers and take good care of them!

Click the markers to see the location of that sighting.
I will be updating the map daily as we receive your sightings.
You can keep track of their journey by viewing our interactive map.

It can be fun to report to others your first sightings and keep a record for yourself from year to year.


Tip: Zoom in and out using the "Zoom Icon" in the lower left corner to separate (give space around the markers) then click the markers to see the date, location and species. You can also drag the map around to zoom into a particular area.

Note: For Directions To Find A Post(s)/Sighting(s) For A Specific "City, State" Click HERE.

We thank you for submitting your sighting and participating in the tracking of the Hummingbird Migration Spring 2023 .

Please share this page with your family and friends. The more submissions that we receive, the more data is collected to help us all to determine when our hummingbirds will arrive each Spring.

Now Available!

Our New Hummingbird Migration Mobile App

Follow the Hummingbird Migration & Submit Your Sightings
Right From Your Smartphone!

The Hummingbird Tracker

 Available Here:

See the previous years sightings to help estimate the arrival of the hummingbirds in your area.

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